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Showing posts from 2017

RECOMMENDED: Heat Trak mats - snow shovelling NOT required

After going through so many winters and paying for snow removal, I had had enough. I had slipped on the patio steps more than once - even once laying right on my back. I searched Amazon for some heated mats and initially only found products that had really bad reviews. Then I searched outside of Amazon and found Heat Trak. The reviews looked promising and while the return policy included a 15% restocking fee, I ordered a few just to try them out. If they worked, great - if not, I would only use one and return the others. Well, no need. Check this out: First time we used them, there was no snow but it was cold. We had people over and when they went outside in their socks, they were loving it - no boots needed!! Then the snow came - sure enough - the mats worked perfectly. It's not instant - 2 inches of snow melts every hour but that's more than enough to get the job down. They aren't THAT expensive either (under $200 for a 5' mat) Here are some links for ...